
King's Somborne C of E Primary School

Love - Trust - Hope - Joy


HCC Parent Guide to Special Educational Needs

Our local offer - a guide to the support offered at our school.

How we provide for children with Special Educational Needs.


What kinds of Special Educational Needs do we provide for?

We are a mainstream primary school and value all our children as individuals.  We aim to provide all our children with the care, support and guidance to enable them achieve their very best.


How do we know if a child needs extra support?

We establish whether a child needs extra support through a variety of ways including: liaison with previous school or pre-school setting; initial and continuing communications with parents/carers; observations by the teaching staff supporting the child; by referrals to relevant outside agencies, for example Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language therapist, CAMHs, Behaviour Support. 


This support will also be established by tracking children’s progress using:Teacher assessment against year group expectations or P levels; Vernon spelling tests;Salford reading tests; Phonic knowledge; Sight word recognition; Mental maths tests; QCA tests.


What should you do if you think your child has special educational needs?

The first point of contact with any concern should be the class teacher. Further to this, the SENco or headteacher can also be consulted.

There are free bookable consultation sessions with an Educational Psychologist available (01962 876217).

If you think the need is linked to medical needs than you could consult with your GP and then liaise with us.


How will I know how my child is doing?

Tracking processes outlined above will enable us to know how your child is doing and this is how we report to you; We hold parents’ consultation meetings for all children in October, February with an open afternoon in July. We report on attainment regularly during the year with our annual report in July. We meet parents of children who have Educational, Health Care Plans whenever the EHC is updated.


Most importantly, we have an open door policy and will meet parents at their request to discuss progress or any other concerns.


How will we support your child’s learning?

Once we have assessed the needs of your child we have a range of ways to support their learning:  

Some children who have more complex, individual needs have an Individual Education Plan.  This has half termly targets and then these are broken down into weekly targets.  Progress against these targets is recorded by the class teacher and LSAs.  The SENCo monitors the IEPs.

We take advice from external agencies (such as Educational Psychologists, Behaviour Support, Speech and Language therapists, Occupational Therapists) as appropriate.


We provide the following range of strategies to support learning of children with special educational needs according to their need: 1:1 individually personalised intervention programmes; 1:1 programmes for speech and language development and occupational therapy  (these are all under the guidance of external agencies); 1:1 or group programmes for developing social skills; support within a group in the classroom from a LSA; adaptations to the class environment (visual timetables, coloured overlays, OT cushions); timetable adaptations, for example short sessions of concentration followed by reward times; access to IT or multi-sensory support; flexible groupings to allow appropriate role modelling; Emotional Literacy Support with our trained ELSA counsellors; differentiated curriculum; resources to support development of emotional, social and communication skills, for example ‘feelings charts’, transition books to help new staff or supply staff to understand your child’s needs.


What is the role of staff in supporting my child?

The Governing body:

•ensures that adequate provision is made for any child who has special educational needs;

•monitors the special needs provision through an appointed Governor.

The Headteacher:

•ensures that all provision is in place to enable all children to make progress;

•monitors the progress and provision;

•reports on provision and progress to the Governing body;

•ensures parents are kept informed of progress and provision.

The Inclusion Coordinator:

•has overall responsibility for special needs provision in the school;

•advises and works with teachers to ensure progress;

•liaises with all external agencies;

•liaises with parents.


•have day to day responsibility for your child’s learning;

•set IEPs and targets in conjunction with SENCo and Learning Support Assistants;

•put agreed strategies in place for your child;.

•liaise with parents on a day to day basis;

•continually assess your child and adapt learning accordingly;

Learning Support Assistants (LSAs):

•support your child’s learning as part of a group;

•support your child’s learning on a 1:1 basis;

•carry out intervention programmes, for example precision spelling or memory programmes, with your child;

•carry out speech and language programmes put in place by speech and language therapist;

•carry out occupational therapy programmes put in place by occupational therapist;

•work alongside your child’s teacher to support your child’s learning.


We have LSAs who are qualified to work with children who have: dyslexia, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

Our Emotional Learning Support Assistants (ELSA) supports children in our school with a range of issues, for example: bereavement; friendship issues; separation; stress; transition into school from different settings or cultures.


How is the curriculum adapted to meet the needs of my child?

All children will follow the same topics within the curriculum for example, ‘Local Studies’ but the level of learning will be adapted to the needs of individual children.  Class topics in Mathematics and English will also be followed by all children, where appropriate, but again the learning will be adapted to meet the learning needs of individual children.


The learning may also be differentiated through use of resources including: adult support; access to a computer; concrete learning aids; differentiated texts; coloured overlays; recording equipment. 


Planning for individuals is carried out by the class teachers on a weekly basis.  Short term learning objectives are taken from: ‘P’ scales if appropriate; appropriate age expectations either at the child’s current age, below or above as appropriate; teachers’ assessments as to the next steps of learning; Individual Education Plans; continual teacher assessments; assessments carried out by LSAs; External agency advice; SENCo advice; children’s responses to teacher feedback.


How is the decision made about what type of and how much support my child will receive?

The decision regarding the type and amount of support is made by the SENCo in order to maximise the progress and holistic development of each child.  The decision is also based on ‘best value’ and is driven by determining the support that is going to have the most impact.   The decision is made in liaison with: External agency advice (Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language therapist); LSA observations and feedback;teachers’ assessments; test results; Statutory Educational Statement, if this is in place; discussions with parents; the headteacher.


What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

The Christian ethos and values of the school are embedded within the school and reflect the importance given to ensuring the well-being of all children in the school.  Our staff are caring and sensitive to the holistic needs of all children.  Our high ratio of adults to children also reflects the importance we give to the development of relationships as does the quality of our staffing with many staff having specific qualifications and experience of working with children who have Emotional and Social needs as well as learning difficulties and disabilities.


Specific emotional and social support is provided by: our Emotional Literacy Support Assistants; close liaison with Behaviour Support Team; referrals and joint school/parent attendance at counselling services provided by the Educational Psychology service; team around the Child meetings which support parents.


What training is provided for staff supporting children with SEND?

Qualifications held by our staff include:

•BA (Hons) in psychology;

•SENCo training 

•SENCo experience in a Pre-School setting 

•Dyslexia trained LSA;

•LSA trained and experienced in supporting children on autistic spectrum (Sunrise programme).

•Emotional Literacy Support qualification

•Phonographix trained LSA


The SENCO is Katie Smith


How accessible is the school?

The school currently does not have full wheelchair access.  The school currently does not have disabled toilets or changing rooms.

The school is very open to communication with parents.  We liaise closely with Family Support Workers, Health Visitors, Parent Partnership, Health Service workers and Social Services.  We hold regular meetings with all parents and the frequency of these meetings are increased for parents of children with special needs.  We involve external agencies in these meetings where relevant.  Minutes of these meetings and resulting actions are maintained and followed through.


How are parents/ carers involved in the school?

Parents and carers are involved in the school in the following way: initial home visits before starting school; meeting with headteacher/SENCO prior to starting school; visits by Reception teacher to pre-schools; regular Parents’ Meetings three times a year; termly meetings regarding Individual Educational Plans; team around the Child meetings where appropriate; open afternoons twice a year; headteacher open mornings; annual parent questionnaire; voluntary parental support in school.


How are children involved in the school?

All children have a voice in the school and can be involved in; School Council; Worship Team; Sport Ambassadors; Junior Road Safety Officers; Buddy system; Pupil questionnaires; Individual Pupil conferencing; Rights to respond to feedback from teachers.


Support for all children to enable them to be involved with their own learning is given by: LSAs; ELSA; Counselling services; Behaviour Support Team.


How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?

We liaise closely with pre-schools, parents and any external agencies in order for your child's needs to be met when starting school at Foundation Stage. We make contact with previous schools attended, consult with parents and take careful note of any reports from external agencies when a child with special educational needs transfers to our school.


How will the school prepare and support my child to transfer to a new school?

We forward all information to your child’s new school and talk to the SENCo/headteacher of the school to ease the transfer.  We also recommend and allow visit days to the new setting.


How will the school prepare and support my child to transfer to secondary school?

We liaise with the SENCo of the receiving secondary school and arrange separate visits where appropriate.  Behaviour Support is contacted if a transition programme would be beneficial to transfer.  Social stories, visits from staff from the secondary school to our school, accompanied visits by our staff are all ways that the transfer process can be eased.  This transfer process can begin in Year 5 if this is appropriate.


Where can I get further information about services for my child?

Please contact King's Somborne C of E Primary School: 01794 388381
