Love - Trust - Hope - Joy
Welcome to our Eagle Class page! Enjoy exploring everything that we have been learning and discovering in class recently.
SATS week!
A big congratulations to all of our Year 6 students in Eagles for completing their SATS week. They persevered, practiced and prepared as much as they could. All of them should know they've really done us proud. Well done!
A wealth of maths!
After a Spring term filled with fractions and decimals, we've enjoyed a variety of topics and lessons. Mental maths in the mornings has kept our brain busy with all operations, and we've been tracking the progress we've been making in times tables. Additionally, we've been taking measurements in a mix of units, calculated perimeter and area, looked at angles of shapes and plotted out plenty of statistics. It's certainly been a hive of learning!
Putting Kings Somborne on the map!
We were updating our knowledge of OS maps, looking for important features and considering the scales used. It was great to find locations we knew on the map! We also looked at grid references and where we were on the map of the UK. Ask us to help you next time you're lost, and we can show you the way!
Time to investigate!
We had a great time doing some forensic investigations this term. There was a finger print investigation, where we checked our own whorls and arches. We searched for clues for a downed plane in the meadow behind the school; to discover which of the crew had written a letter we used chromatography to isolate the pen that was used. We also used sieving and filtering to separate mixtures as we investigated solids, liquids and gases.
A Raucous Residential!
We had such a wonderful time on our residential. It was tough to get on that bus, as none of us wanted to go home. So many wonderful activities and new bonds formed within our class, we left with a real team spirit.
There will be fond memories of the adventures we had, each group finding their own independence in the grounds of Avon Tyrell. Also, the shared feeling of finally getting in for our lunches in the canteen. Delicious they were, too! Let's also not forget the dreaded room inspections, and the wonderful group presentations we created to satisfy the terrible judges!
It was so much fun, and truly a fantastic memory to treasure.
Beautiful Bonfire!
We had a truly wonderful time around the campfire last night, singing songs and toasting marshmallows. Mr O'Brien loved the experience of toasting a marshmallow!
We had a competition with another school to see who was singing loudest and it seemed as though we did better with some of the songs!
We even had an unexpected visitor as Miss Smith came down to see us for dinner.
We were so excited about our full day of activities today.
Monday 7 March 2022
Safely arrived and loving it already! Pizza and chips for lunch, lots of squash, and now we are off for climbing, mountain biking, archery and bushcraft - all before our campfire tonight! The children are very impressed by their rooms too!
There is great excitement and lots of smiles - see you all on Wednesday for lots of stories and memory sharing!
Best wishes,
The King's Somborne Avon Tyrell Team!
Thanksgiving day!
We celebrated Thanksgiving day in style as we embraced everything American as part of our learning journey about the American Dream!
We all planned the day's activities together and had great fun experiencing different Thanksgiving traditions, foods, and games.
Highlights of the day included holding our very own Macy's day parade! We decorated our balloons and made banners before parading around school playing our Samba chants (learnt from our music lessons this term) and enjoying a loud and cheerful celebration!
We also made soup for our Thanksgiving day dinner where we gathered to share the things we were grateful for before tucking into traditional foods, including turkey and pumpkin pie!
New York landscapes – Art
After exploring and researching the famous landmarks of New York City, we studied the unique skyline of the great city. We were challenged to create our own atmospheric skyline with a range of media. Using pastels for the background and very careful drawing for the foreground, we have started phase one of our art work.
George – “It was really cool that we got to draw the New York skyline and use our creativeness!”
Sienna – “I loved learning new facts about New York!”
Space Race! – Science
This half term we are racing through our solar system exploring the sun, planets, stars and moons! We started by sharing what we already know and thinking of questions that we want to find out. Here are some of our questions which we want to explore over this topic:
Elias – “I want to find out about all of the planets, especially how hot or cold they are!”
Mason – “I am excited to discover whether there has ever been any real alien sightings!”
Henry – “I know that they are taking samples from the surface of Mars – I want to know what they find”
Hands on maths and remarkable reflections
Over the course of this week we have explored numbers up to 1 million using different equipment, images and tricky problems! We have also tried really hard to reflect at the end of each lesson on our learning using a traffic light system. How does reflecting help us?
Nicholas – “Reflecting helps both us and the teachers understand how confident we feel about our work”
Owen – “We can be truthful about the parts that we found easier and harder”
What a wonderful start to the year in Eagle class!
We have all crossed the Atlantic and jumped enthusiastically into our new learning adventure called ‘The American Dream’. We have bonded as a new class and settled back into school life during our first lessons and play. Enjoy reading about a few of the exciting projects that we have already started – we have done so much in only 5 days!