
King's Somborne C of E Primary School

Love - Trust - Hope - Joy


The King's Coronation


We had a brilliant day in Red, White and Blue! We especially enjoyed making nature crowns and puff pastry crowns too!

Here We Are!


When Mr O'Brien read this text in Worship on the first day of term, the Hedgehogs were captivated. We spent three wonderful weeks talking about where we lived and learning about other parts of the world. Our interests took us to France and China; we wrote postcards, tried food and challenged ourselves to explore maps. We found out about Buddhism and really enjoyed trying out some Buddhist singing bowls.

Snow Day!

There may only have been a light dusting, but it didn't stop the Hedgehogs making the most of the white stuff.

Going WILD with Sam Usher for World Book Week


The Hedgehog Class had a wonderful World Book Week. We read the story, 'Wild' by Sam Usher and wrote our own versions. Imagine how delighted we were when Sam himself came to visit and draw with us!

Lent Service (Pancake Song!)

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Museum of Special Objects

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Thank you to everyone who came to see our Museum of Special Objects. The children worked so hard on this project and were delighted to show you their exhibits!


The Hedgehog Class joined a whole-school learning journey based on the text, 'The Misadventures of Frederick.' In the story, fun-loving Emily sends Frederick notes on paper aeroplanes, trying to entice him out to join her on adventures. We wrote our own letters to Emily.. and she wrote back!


On a frosty Friday, we went on a bike and scooter riding adventure to the park before returning to school for an ice-cream. Check out some of our letters and all of the fun we had in the video below.

Park Adventure.mp4

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Welcome back!


We've had a wonderful first few weeks back in Hedgehog Class. The children were so keen to tell us about their Christmas breaks. Although they enjoyed telling us about the presents, all the children were excited to share the special times they had with their families which brought us lots of joy.


It's been a rather wet start to the Spring term, but you should know by now that a bit of rain won't stop us!

Tyre Racing!

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Spring 1 Newsletter

A Very Special Visitor...

All Through the Night!

After reading a fantastic story called, 'All though the Night,' we wondered whether everyone sleeps at night? It turns out that lots of brilliant people stay awake at night to help others stay safe. We were incredibly lucky to have the chance to meet a soldier, a firefighter and a paramedic and to find out all about their jobs.

Peace at Last by Jill Murphy

The Hedgehogs have worked to hard to learn how to tell the story, Peace at Last. We hope you enjoy their story!

Peace at Last.mp4

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Remembrance Service


On Friday 11th November, we went and stood by the monument to pay our respects to the soldiers who have given their lives and those who are still working to defend our country. We sang a beautiful rendition of 'In Flanders Field' led by the marvellous Mrs Cartwright. Hedgehogs were truly remarkable and paid their respects beautifully!


Some children in Wren class shared some wonderful poems with us based on the importance and symbolism of the poppy. Their poems are in this collection of images. 


We have created a whole school art project based on poppies which will be on display. 

Autumn 2, Week 1: Pumpkin Soup!


This week, we have been reading and retelling 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper. We were donated lots of leftover pumpkins and we have made sure nothing has gone to waste. From mud kitchen recipes to making shipping lists, kneading bread and making soup, it's been a wonderful start to our second term. 

Autumn 2: Newsletter


Welcome back everyone! The attached newsletter contains information about our plans for the term ahead. 

Week 7: The Owl Experts Come to Visit


Following our email, we were delighted to receive a letter from some Owl Experts that said they would love to come and visit us to see our learning about owls! We were very excited to welcome Emily and James from TWO Bird Experiences and Education to our classroom.


The children made us very proud with their quiet watching, careful listening and excellent questions!


Here's what they had to say:


"I learnt to be quiet around owls and that they hunt their prey." Oscar 
"I remember the owl flew close over our heads!" Emily 
"It was AMAZING, having real owls in our class!" Louis 
"Their heads moved all the way round." Leo 
"We had to move things in our classroom, to make space for the owls to visit." Hattie 
"We learnt that owls have 2 ears, one at the top one on the other side of their face at the bottom." Florence 
"The owl expert showed us some live beetles that the owls would eat." Rory

Week 6: Telling the Owl Babies Story

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Week 5: Mark Makers!

This week we worked on illustrating our Owl Babies story. We've been trying hard to develop our 'pinchy fingers' when we hold a pen. Check out the video to see some of our drawings on our Learning Adventure board. Next week, we'll be ready to tell you the story!

Our Owl Babies Illustrations

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Week 4: We've been busy


This week the Hedgehog Class have been...


- making obstacle courses in the outdoor area, showing wonderful balance, coordination and turn-taking

- sorting objects by size, colour and type

- changing for PE and having their first PE session, in the pouring rain!

- developing friendships

- reading, listening to stories and then reading some more; we are thrilled to have a class of book lovers!

Hedgehog Class Newsletter: Autumn 1

Weeks 2 and 3: It feels like the Hedgehogs have been with us much longer than just 3 weeks! Despite some inevitable tiredness, they continue to embrace school life. The past week has seen them start 'Reading Squad' and phonics lessons and we cannot wait to see these little readers grow and develop. The photos below show a snapshot of what we've been up to.

Starting School! We are so very proud of how all the children have embraced their first few mornings at school. They have embraced new routines, immersed themselves in play and made new friends. Every one of them has spoken independently at Circle Time. We can’t wait to see what’s in store next week!
