
King's Somborne C of E Primary School

Love - Trust - Hope - Joy

Religious Education

RE at King's Somborne C of E is intended to be a key part of our daily lives. We are very lucky to be situated next to St Peter and St Paul's Church, and have recently welcomed our new Vicar, Jane Thompson, to the community. We also work very closely with the local Methodist church, and Sam Barnes, the church leader. All that we do in our school is founded on our core Christian Values of Love, Trust, Hope and Joy - values that were put together by our school community in the summer of 2020.


Whist Christianity is a key element of school life, and our identity, the implementation of our values mean that this school aims to serve the children of Christian faith, of other faiths, and of no faith at all - we aim to be a welcoming and open school to all of our children.


Worship forms an important part of school life at King's Somborne C of E, with it taking place in various different formats each day; sometimes led by the Headteacher, others by the children or other members of staff. The impact of our RE curriculum is that we teach and inspire key life skills and attitudes through biblical links and the teachings of Jesus. We feel that these values and learning opportunities will help our children to become empathetic, giving, kind and reflective young people.


Our curriculum is designed using a combination of Living Difference III / IV and Understanding Christianity. We work closely with the Diocese to ensure that our learning provision is the best that it can be for our children.


If you ever have any further questions about our RE provision at King's Somborne C of E, then please do get in touch.


Our curriculum inspires curiosityenables our children to aspire for more, and supports them in becoming resilient learners.

King's Somborne C of E RE Policy

King's Somborne Church Schedule 2024/25

King's Somborne Church Service Schedule 2023/24
