
King's Somborne C of E Primary School

Love - Trust - Hope - Joy


Twisted Tales - OpenBox Theatre Company


In the afternoon on Friday 5th July, we were treated to an incredible performance of two well known fairy tales but with a twist! Kenn and Iain from OpenBox Theatre Company captivated us with their amazing acting skills - we all laughed and smiled so much!


Look at some of the incredible scenes! 

Election Day


Democracy in action! It doesn't matter whether you are on your tippy toes to reach or tower over the voting table, everyone gets a vote and every vote counts. What would you choose?


Art Week

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Last week was our whole school 'Art Week'. Inspired by the work of Beatrix Milhazes, Hedgehog Class learned a practised a variety of printing skills...on a hug scale! Watch the video to see us at work.

Hedgehog Class Newsletter Summer 2 2024

Sports Day - Standing Jump!


On Tuesday 4th June, we had our Sports Day. In the morning, we completed lots of different activities in our house teams including the Standing Jump! In the afternoon, we completed a relay race, a sprint race and a long distance race (if we wanted to!). We had such a wonderful day that was finished off with a yummy ice lolly!


Look at our amazing jumping skills!

Trip to the Beach

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What a wonderful day we had! Our children make us so proud; they are wonderful, joyful little humans!

Hedgehog Class Newsletter Summer 1 2024

A Special Story: Lubna and the Pebble


This beautifully illustrated story of friendship and kindness in an uncertain time subtly addresses the refugee crisis in a manner  accessible to young children.  As we’ve come to expect from our brilliant little people, the Hedgehogs and Squirrels responded to the book with huge empathy, curiosity and understanding.  The children took on ownership of their pebbles and made them beautiful new homes. They all wrote fantastic versions of the story themselves and we are immensely proud of their work.  


“Lubna and the Pebble is a really good book because it’s all about friendship.” Ted 


“Lubna lived in the World of Tents because her home wasn’t safe. At the end Daddy found a new home for them.” Bess


“My story was about a girl that found a gem in a cave. She gave it to her friend Hattie.” Matilda


“We built pebble homes. We used cardboard and tape. Our house will protect our pebble and keep it warm.” Luka 

Hedgehog Class Newsletter Spring 2, 2024

Dinosaur Party


Following an amazing drama workshop from The OpenBox Theatre Company, the Hedgehogs embarked on an exciting dinosaur-based learning adventure. The children suggested a whole host of dinosaur and fossil related learning activities and the grown-ups planned some further work to enhance their experiences. We centered our learning around a beautiful book called, ‘The Girl and the Dinosaur’. 


Thank you for teaching us what dinosaurs look like Ken and Ian!  Bess 


In the book, Marianne finds the bones of a dinosaur and then they come to life!” Maya 


We decided to host our very own Dinosaur Party (just like in the story) and create a ‘Dinosaur Gallery’ to showcase our learning.  Our party featured dinosaur biscuits and a very noisy parade. The gallery opened to our grown-ups on the last day of term, and we loved sharing our fabulous work with them all. 

Dinosaur Learning Adventure.mp4

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Hedgehog Class Newsletter Spring 1 2024

Posting our own letters


After we helped the Jolly Christmas Postman, we became very interested in how letters were sent. We made Christmas cards for our families and used real stamps to send them to our houses.

The Jolly Christmas Postman in a pickle!


We were confused when Mrs Hawkeswood brought a post bag to the classroom. It turned out that the poor Post Person had dropped his bag near the school and all the letters has become muddled. Luckily, the Hedgehogs were ready to help. They used their knowledge of fairy tales and nursery rhymes to match the objects with the recipients. The Post Person was very grateful!

Diwali Day

Did you know that people who celebrate Diwali have fireworks too? We found out about Diwali; why it is important and how it is celebrated. We came to school in brightly coloured clothes, made Diya lamps and made and tried coconut barfi and mango lassi. You can see some of our learning adventures below.

Zim Zam Zoom

We had so many Hedgehogs talk about the firework displays they attended, that Mrs Davey decided we should read some firework poems! We were so impressed that the children used their new phonics skills to write their own poems. Have a read of some below.

Owl Babies!

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The Hedgehog Class have been learning the story, 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell. You can watch them retelling the story in the video and also have a look at some of their wonderful artwork. We became 'Owl Experts' - why don't you ask us what we know!

Hedgehog Class Newsletter Autumn 2 2023

Hedgehog Class King's Somborne Express Autumn 1

What a fantastic start to school!


We are so proud of the way our new Hedgehogs have settled into school. They are really embracing school life and all the routines and new experiences that brings. Below are a series of snapshots of our days. Onwards to the next half term!

Hedgehog Class Newsletter Autumn 1
