Love - Trust - Hope - Joy
Thought provoking and stimulating topics, which celebrate questioning and self discovery, form a key part of our Science Curriculum Intent at King's Somborne C of E. We explore the world around us, both locally, nationally, internationally and beyond - creating global ambassadors, and informed citizens, and in turn provide our children with the skills and knowledge required to understand global concepts, and often explore how we can make a difference. It is one of our core subjects, but it also forms the basis for numerous different Learning Adventures across our curriculum. By browsing our Learning Adventures, you will see that some Adventures are directly influenced by topics within the science curriculum, whilst at other times it can form an integral part of our continued exploration of a topic. For example, The American Dream in Year 5/6 is our Learning Adventure, with the Space Race being a topic of discovery. This links perfectly with our exploration of Earth and Space and blends well with our science curriculum. At other times, our science topics maybe taught more discretely and stand alone - allowing our children to really consolidate an understanding of a concept in a very calculated way, and further embedding their knowledge. Our considered progression of skills means that we are always looking at ways to build and consolidate our understanding, enabling our children to make considered links between different scientific concepts, as well as to science's place in the world and our every day lives. Our children partake in charity initiatives which show a global outlook, but also require a scientific understanding of the world around us. We know that we are collecting and recycling crisp packets for the homeless at Christmas, but what will these crisp packets be used for? How does it help? This provides a real life context for science and is such an important part in helping our children to see science , and positive change, in action.
Whilst part of our Adventures, science is also taught with subject purity in mind. Even whilst exploring The American Dream, our children will not simply learn about the Space Race, but they will learn about being a scientist (both now and then!), use scientific enquiry, and develop the key skills required to both carry out an experiment or explore a scientific concept or hypothesis. We want our children to experience being scientists both now and in the future, with stimulating topics that may inspire an interest and passion.
We believe that our science curriculum broadens our children's scientific understanding and develops their knowledge and understanding of the world (and universe!). As with our whole curriculum, we want to foster a sense of curiosity in our children. The intent behind our science curriculum is to plant seeds and develop a natural curiosity, that is then fostered and grown with opportunities to find the answers to our own questions. By doing this, we will support our children in becoming resilient learners and seek out and challenge their own thoughts or the thoughts of others.
Our science curriculum embeds this resilience by encouraging us to explore the facts that we may think we know, but really working out the scientific 'how and why.' These skills will help to broaden the aspirations for all of our learners, encouraging our youngest and oldest children to continue to explore the world around them. Our science curriculum plants that seed, and our children farm the land with the support of our considered and enticing topics, and teacher knowledge. In essence we want our children to become confident and explorative scientists - scientists who learn to be resilient and enjoy trying new things, in the hope that we will ignite a passion and an interest in some of our learners that will inspire a future career in science.
Our curriculum inspires curiosity, enables our children to aspire for more, and supports them in becoming resilient learners